sobota , 27 lipiec 2024

C64 Party Reports

X’2010 – 1-3.10.2010 in Someren

The tenth edition of Europe’s largest Commodore computer party was held on 1st to 3rd of October 2010 in a small town Someren in southern Netherlands. It was a very spectacular event, which attracted a total of 249 guests from all over the world.

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Stary Piernik 5 – 23-25.04.2010 in Torun

Even oldest highlanders nor any fairy with David Copperfield on top, wouldn’t being able to predict events which occurred during 5th edition of Stary Piernik – Polish Commodore 64 scene meeting organized by Arise group. This event got planned for weekend 23-25th of April 2010 and met with quite big interest from sceners who presented themselves in a total number of eighteen persons. Few persons …

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Riverwash – 24-26.08.2007 in Szymocice

„Back to the source” – under this slogan the first edition of multiplatform computer party named Riverwash took place in Szymocice on 24-26th of August 2007. The place of whole event was an exclusive recreational centre called Aqua-Brax, equipped for example with modern camp houses, pool, basketball and beach soccer fields and more other attractions and conveniences. Main organizers of Riverwash was Fei, …

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Silesia Party 1 – 5-7.07.2007 in Katowice

Party in Silesia? Why not! Party in Silesia, additionally in school? It may sound more intriguing :). Silesia Party was created from initiative of BoBeR who after last edition of North Party decided to make his own party. His plan was implemented with varying results about which I will tell in a moment.

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Silesia Party 2 – 15-17.08.2008 in Czeladz

Second edition of Silesia Party took place on 15-17th of August 2008 in Centrum Rozrywki i Kultury „Traffic” at Czeladz. After some organisation problems which happened last year, from the function of main manager resigned BoBeR, which main role took Raf and Volcano, by which also first edition of Silesia could take place. This time failed mainly attendance because on the party came not so much …

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Riverwash 2009 – 4-6.09.2009 in Warszawa

Third edition of multiplatform computer party „Riverwash 2009: No Mercy” took place on 4-6th of September 2009 in No Mercy club at Warsaw’s Wola. This time the job of organization got V0yager, Fei and Gorzyga with additional support from Ubik, Deadman, Yans, Mover and Tygrys. Location of the party place was really good, because for this place it was easy to come directly from Dworzec Zachodni …

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Stary Piernik 4 – 15-17.05.2009 in Torun

4th edition of C64 scene meeting called Stary Piernik took place on 15-17th of May 2009 at Torun in „Tramp” camping. For my long journey I went on the Saturday’s morning. Around 6 AM I entered to local train at Szczecin Zdunowo station. I was going into Poznan direction. After over 3 hours of wearisome travel I came to the destination place, where I changed to through train going to Torun direction. To the town famous from …

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Riverwash 2 – 29-31.08.2008 in Rudy Raciborskie

On 29-31th of August 2008 took place the 2nd edition of Polish multiplatform party called Riverwash 2 – Project Mayhem. This time sceners got invited to “Pod Debem” inn located in Rudy Raciborskie. Initially main organizer, like it was during the first edition of Riverwash, was Fei but from personal reasons 2 months before term of the party, suddenly resigned from leading on the whole …

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Symphony 2006 – 25-27.09.2006 in Piecnik

Sixth edition of Symphony Party, organized by Madwizard & Friends, took place on 25-27th of September 2006. This time the party place was completely wilderness – Piecnik willage near Walcz. I went for party with Adamsoft and Kopernik who came to my settlement by a car on Friday afternoon. After packing the luggage we went to the journey to Walcz direction across Stargard Szczecinski. Without any problems we arrived to party place which …

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North Party 10 – 18-20.08.2006 in Warsaw

10th edition of North party took place on 18-20th of August 2006 and for the 3rd time as the party place selected student club Alfa in Warszawa. I started my travel around midday on Friday, being quite tired after being in work at night. I came to PKP station in Szczecin Dabie, where Data/De-Koder/Tropyx was waiting for me. Having some time to departure, we went to nearby Netto to buy some drink. After returning to train …

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Floppy 2005 – 25-27.02.2005 in Helsingborg

I started my lonely travel to Sweden on 24th of February riding by a train to Swinoujscie. I had some problems to arrive there, because one stupid woman didn’t wanted to sell me the ticket. So I had to travel very fast to the main train station in my town and luckily I was before the right time.

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