sobota , 22 luty 2025

C64 Party Reports

X’2004 – 22-24.10.2004 in Hengelo

I started my very long trip to Holland from the train travel from my town to the Wroclaw, where Booker had to wait for me. I was very wonder when at the train station I met one of my friends from Amiga scene called GDR! who has waiting for a girl from which he had to travel to the concert exactly at the same place, where the last two Symphony parties were placed. I was happy …

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North Party 9 – 30.07.-1.08.2004 in Warsaw

The 9th edition of the Polish only C64 copy party took place at the same location, like last year – in Warsaw in some student’s hostel. This time I traveled together with Kyno & Blemish by a train at the same hour like one year ago. We arrived to the Warsaw at 6 AM and had some hours to wait for the party. So we are walking for some shops, looking at the newspapers, …

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Symphony 2004 – 9-11.07.2004 in Poznan

The 4th edition of famous Polish multiplatform party for PC/Amiga/C64 users took place in one of the music clubs held in Poznan called “Eskulap” on 9-11 of July 2004. The organizers decided to organize the party in the same place like one year ago. I decided to arrive at this party to meet again some of my friends and maybe compete in C64 music compo. Because I had to be at the work, I arrived to the …

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Symphony 2003 – 4-6.07.2003 in Poznan

Third edition of multiplatform party took place this time in Dom Studencki Eskulap in Poznan, exactly in his disco hall located close to main building. Party took place on 4-6.07.2003. Party place, due to fact that it was located in the centre of town, were close to all kind of shops, where party people profusely were supplying with wares :). At Symphony came according to different sources – even around …

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North Party 8 – 1-3.08.2003 in Warsaw [report]

Eight edition of Polish Commodore 64 party took place at the Student’s House held in Warsaw on the first three days of September. The party place was simply a discotheque room with separated bar, where the people could buy the beer etc, which was opened from 6 PM till 3 AM. There wasn’t special sleeping room, but we can hired an extra rooms for sleep for …

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Symphony 2002 – 3-7.07.2002 in Tuczno

The second edition of multiplatform party under name „Symphony” took place this time in the one little town Tuczno in Poland, not in Trzcianka like last year. I remember average level of my fist party, that I ever was Satellite 2000. In the middle of my journey I was in a little hope, that this time I will be on better party than last time.

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Satellite 2000 & Kindergarden – 4-5.11.2000 in Szczecin

Another, 3rd edition of Satellite party took place on 4th to 5th of November 2000 in Szczecin’s Slowianin club. I, H.M.Murdock had the honour to came on this multiplatform party, which can be a little surprise after that I didn’t arrived to North Party 6. This year edition of the party was co-organized by people from Norway, hence the name of the party got expanded into Satellite 2000 & Kindergarden. …

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